How to Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages

Ever accidentally deleted a WhatsApp message and then realized it was something important? You’re not alone. It’s a frustrating moment, right? But here’s the good news: Recovering deleted WhatsApp messages is often possible. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to recover deleted WhatsApp messages. Whether you have a backup or not, there’s hope. Let’s dive in and explore how you can get those lost messages back.

What are WhatsApp Deleted Messages?

First, let’s talk about what happens when you delete a WhatsApp message. When you delete a message on WhatsApp, it might seem like it’s gone forever. But that’s not entirely true. Deleted messages can often be recovered if you act quickly. WhatsApp gives you a few options to delete messages. You can delete them for yourself, or you can delete them for everyone in the chat.

When you choose “Delete for me,” the message disappears from your view but stays on the recipient’s device. When you choose “Delete for everyone,” it’s removed from both ends—at least, that’s what it seems like. In reality, deleted messages might still be lingering in your backups or even within your device’s storage. Understanding this is the first step to successfully learning how to recover deleted WhatsApp messages.

How to Recover Deleted WhatsApp Messages

Now, let’s get into the real stuff: how to recover deleted WhatsApp messages. There are several ways to do this, and we’ll break them down for you. Whether you have a backup or not, there’s likely a method that will work for you.

Part 1: 2 Ways to Recover Deleted WhatsApp Chats with Backup

Backups are your best friend when it comes to recovering deleted WhatsApp messages. Here’s how you can use them to your advantage.

1. Recovering from Google Drive Backup (Android)

If you’re using an Android device and have Google Drive backups enabled, recovering deleted messages is pretty straightforward. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Uninstall WhatsApp: Yes, you read that right. Don’t worry; you’ll reinstall it in just a minute.
  2. Reinstall WhatsApp: Head to the Google Play Store and reinstall WhatsApp.
  3. Verify Your Phone Number: Open WhatsApp and verify your phone number as you normally would.
  4. Restore from Google Drive: When prompted, tap “Restore” to retrieve your messages from Google Drive.
  5. Wait for the Process to Complete: Depending on your internet speed and the size of your backup, this might take a few minutes.
  6. Check Your Chats: Once the restore is complete, you should see all your chats, including the ones you thought were lost.

2. Recovering from iCloud Backup (iOS)

For iPhone users, the process is similar but involves iCloud. Here’s how to recover your messages:

  1. Uninstall WhatsApp: Just like with Android, you’ll need to uninstall WhatsApp first.
  2. Reinstall WhatsApp: Go to the App Store and reinstall WhatsApp.
  3. Verify Your Phone Number: After reinstalling, open WhatsApp and verify your number.
  4. Restore from iCloud: You’ll be prompted to restore your chat history from iCloud. Tap “Restore Chat History.”
  5. Wait for the Process to Finish: Depending on your backup size and internet connection, this could take a few minutes.
  6. Check Your Messages: Once the restore is done, all your chats, including the deleted ones, should be back.

Backups can be a lifesaver, but what if you don’t have one? Don’t panic just yet. There’s still hope.

Also read: How to Join WhatsApp Beta

Part 2: Great Tip to Recover Deleted WhatsApp Chats without Backup

So, what do you do if you haven’t been backing up your WhatsApp messages? You might think you’re out of luck, but that’s not necessarily true. There’s a clever trick that could help you recover your deleted WhatsApp messages even without a backup.

Recovering from Local Storage (Android)

If you’re using an Android device, WhatsApp automatically saves a local backup on your device every day. Here’s how to recover deleted messages using that local backup:

  1. Open File Manager: You’ll need a file manager app to navigate your device’s storage. If you don’t have one, there are plenty of free options available in the Play Store.
  2. Navigate to WhatsApp Folder: Once in your file manager, go to the “WhatsApp” folder. Inside, you’ll find a “Databases” folder.
  3. Find the Backup File: In the “Databases” folder, you’ll see a list of files with names like “msgstore-YYYY-MM-DD.1.db.crypt12.” These are your daily backups. The file named “msgstore.db.crypt12” is your most recent backup.
  4. Rename the Backup File: To restore an older backup, rename the file “msgstore.db.crypt12” to something like “msgstore-latest.db.crypt12.” Then, rename the older backup file you want to restore to “msgstore.db.crypt12.”
  5. Uninstall and Reinstall WhatsApp: Uninstall WhatsApp and then reinstall it.
  6. Restore from Local Backup: When prompted, choose the local backup option instead of Google Drive.
  7. Check Your Chats: Once the process is complete, your deleted messages should be back.

This method works well if you catch the deletion quickly, as the local backups only go back seven days. If it’s been longer, your chances of recovery decrease. But, as you can see, even without a cloud backup, you still have options.

Final Words

Accidentally deleting a WhatsApp message can feel like a disaster, but it doesn’t have to be. As we’ve shown, there are several methods you can use to recover those lost messages. Whether you’re using a backup from Google Drive, iCloud, or even your device’s local storage, the key is acting quickly.

Now that you know how to recover deleted WhatsApp messages, you can rest easy knowing that even if you make a mistake, it’s not the end of the world. With these tips and tricks up your sleeve, you’ll be prepared for any WhatsApp mishaps that come your way. So, the next time you delete a message by accident, take a deep breath and follow these steps. You’ve got this!


1. Can I recover WhatsApp messages that were deleted a long time ago?

If you have a backup from the time the messages were still on your device, you can restore that backup to recover the messages. However, if too much time has passed and the messages weren’t backed up, it may be challenging to recover them.

2. How often should I back up my WhatsApp messages?

It’s a good idea to back up your WhatsApp messages daily if possible. This way, you minimize the risk of losing important messages if something goes wrong. You can set up automatic backups in WhatsApp’s settings.

3. What if I didn’t have any backups enabled?

If you didn’t have backups enabled, you could try recovering messages from local storage on Android devices. For iOS users, without a backup, recovery is more difficult but not impossible with third-party software.

4. Can I recover messages deleted by someone else in the chat?

If someone else deleted a message for everyone, and you didn’t have a backup from before it was deleted, recovering that message is very unlikely. However, if you had a backup from before the deletion, you could restore that backup to recover the message.

5. Are third-party apps safe for recovering WhatsApp messages?

There are many third-party apps claiming to recover deleted WhatsApp messages, but be cautious. Some of these apps can be risky, potentially exposing your data to security vulnerabilities. It’s always best to stick with WhatsApp’s built-in recovery options or trusted software from reputable developers.


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